Victor Gaeremynck, founder and managing director of Myfuture
Victor, you are the founder and CEO of Myfuture, a socially committed start-up. Can you tell us how this entrepreneurial adventure came about ?
Myfuture was born out of the realization that guidance is a complex issue for young people and their parents, for whom it is often a source of anxiety. For example, 60% of high school students feel lost in their career choices, and 1/3 of university students would have made a different choice if they had been able to. What’s more, students from modest backgrounds are 2 times less likely than others to go on to higher education.
Founded 7 years ago, Myfuture is a social startup dedicated to helping young people aged 13 to 20, particularly those with no network, in their career choices. We help them discover careers by organizing face-to-face and remote meetings with professionals from all sectors.
In particular, Myfuture has set up an interactive WebTV offering workshops and live interviews with companies, from 5th grade to BAC+2. Accessible free of charge from the classroom or computer room, this content is available throughout the school year.
What impact do Myfuture’s activities have on the inclusion of young people/students in difficulty ?
We focus our efforts in particular on young people who have fewer opportunities than others to access training and employment : those living in priority neighborhoods or rural areas, by offering them formats that are adapted to their location (mobility is a major obstacle to equal opportunity), by giving them privileged access to a large base of companies, and by offering them enhanced follow-up of their search for internships.
You are supported by the Banque des Territoires. What are the next steps in the project’s development ?
We’re rolling out our program in new regions: Bourgogne, Franche Comté, Occitanie, Auvergne Rhône Alpes, etc., to ensure complete national coverage. We are also diversifying the discovery formats we offer to students, teachers and professionals, in particular by proposing the organization of in-class meetings or company visits.
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