How are universities emerging from the COVID-19 crisis, bridging the digital divide and accelerating hybridization?
In this new survey carried out by VP-Num and Simone et les Robots, you’ll discover the most significant developments at national level in a profound change to the university experience.
Key figures :
- 45 responding universities, i.e. 66% of French universities
- 1,281,711 students, i.e. 76.5% of the national university student population
- 5673 computers and 1028 4G keys donated or loaned; 2699 students financially assisted to reduce the digital divide
- 83% of universities* accelerated their digital transformation during the period.
- 93% of universities* offer digital training courses to their students
- 100% of universities* support and train their teaching and administrative staff
83% of universities see the crisis as a gas pedal of digital transformation. The numerous calls for projects under the PIA4 program have supported the dynamics of transformation and enabled universities to initiate new projects, particularly in the area of pedagogical transformation.
Survey of French universities conducted from November 22 to December 16, 2021.
*responding universities
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Pour ceux qui l’auraient manquée, téléchargez ici la première édition de l’enquête post covid19 sur les universités françaises réalisée avec VPNum.
Retrouvez l’article AEF Info de Camille Mordelet à propos de l’enquête édition 2022 !